The variety of comments shows how situation-dependent it is: airport, weather, traffic... heck, more than once I've been delayed calling a leg or whatever because of chatter; looking for traffic is far more important, although radios can-
can be a big help. Sometimes I'd rather be in the pattern with all NORDOs, the chatter and bad calls can be ridiculous sometimes. And for heaven's sake, can we all keep the chitchat with Unicom to a minimum?
Sure, I've strayed from the AIM a few times ("Where you off to?", "What's the wind doing down there?", or a simple greeting, etc.)... but a grasp of the big picture is a must when doing that, to make sure you don't step on an important call... and it must always be brief. You won't catch me blathering on and on like some folks I've heard. But if I happen to unnecesarily squash somebody's "any traffic please advise" when they're 20 miles out, well, shucks, they'll just have to try again.
On the other hand, if I am hearing nothing on a CTAF 15 miles out, make a position report at 10 and hear nothing, and make a "runway in use" query before commiting to a pattern because I know the wind is light or variable, I don't need some smartass (who's probably on the field) advising me "why dontcha fly over and look at the sock?" as if I didn't know how to do that...
And FWIW, I never announce taxi (other than moving onto the runway for departure), unless I'm clearing, crossing, or back-taxiing on the runway. Those three situations warrant a call, I think. Ground transmissions can indeed sometimes clutter up a CTAF for aircraft in the pattern, so I like to keep the calls to a minimum and focus on being predictable and keeping a sharp eye out.