I was just curious if the difference between Density Altitude and Airport Elevation/Indicated Altitude held all the way up as you climb. i.e. in my question, there's an 1,100' difference. I've never thought about it before and was having a time Googling it without getting basic explanations of airports with high density altitude. Based on my own playing with the GTN650 in flight the other day though, it doesn't seem like that's the way it works exactly. While my Density Altitude on the ground was 1,100' above the airport elevation, according to the GTN650, Density Altitude at 12,000' was actually 125' below Indicated Altitude. Further, was just curious if Critical Altitude was an expression of only Indicated Altitude or Density Altitude. Density does make more sense after the explanation from Hindsight. I have been trying to get my engines rigged properly, and after making many test flights up through 12,000', the question struck me of how Density Altitude would affect the numbers that I was seeing.
I WILL say though that after spending a year managing the Leadville-Lake County Airport (KLXV) that there were several times Density Altitude was quite high in the summer. I'm supposed to be able to maintain 40" all the way up to between 11,500' and 12,500'. KLXV is surveyed at 9,934', but with a warmer day in the summer, I probably wouldn't be able to hit 40" on the ground.
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