Crappy Day. Comments?

Holy cow this is cool. Way cooler than just doing TPW.

Agreed, It is cooler than running around the patch with a Cessna!

For us utilitarian pilots (who are also amateurs in the sense that we love this thing called flying) doing what we should do to maintain proficiency should be much more than being "OK" in the familiar bird we fly. Instead, we should enjoy the tantalizing challenges that our continued study offers us, and put in more than enough hours of study and flight to make us more than proficient!

I've flown aircraft with far more complexity and power than a Cirrus S20. But, I am still like a little kid at Christmas when I get to learn a new airplane!
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Agreed, It is cooler than running around the patch with a Cessna!

For us utilitarian pilots (who are also amateurs in the sense that we love this thing called flying) doing what we should do to maintain proficiency should be much more than being "OK" in the familiar bird we fly. Instead, we should enjoy the tantalizing challenges that our continued study offers us!

I've flown aircraft (even up to, for me, a formidable) turbo C310, with far more complexity and power than a Cirrus S20. But, I am still like a little kid at Christmas when I get to learn a new airplane!

Well I am jealous. It cost more than I thought this weekend, for my cross country, but once I pay that off all I want to do is fly more. I've spent so much time riding with other pilots thinking it is "just as good" being a passenger. Hell no it isn't. I want to be PIC.
Well I am jealous. It cost more than I thought this weekend, for my cross country, but once I pay that off all I want to do is fly more. I've spent so much time riding with other pilots thinking it is "just as good" being a passenger. Hell no it isn't. I want to be PIC.

Good attitude! :-)

And that's going to build confidence, well-deserved, blooming out of your hard-earned study and training!