Cowboy BeBop on Netflix


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 13, 2010
Denton, TX
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The original "I don't know it all" of aviation.
Finally something I’ll enjoy on Netflix.

I am a fan of the original Anime. And this live action version is pretty true to the genre

This teaser is more fun than a showing of the depth if there series, but fun and goes you an idea of the action, drama, and the well done soundtrack.

Only seen the first episode so far. Interesting casting. Spike is considerably older than in the anime, Jet is considerably Blacker. Neither is an issue, though. Spike comes across as more world-weary than bored, as the younger version in the anime version did, and the actor playing Jet catches him perfectly. Faye appears dead-on, if dressed a little less slutty. From the looks of one of the teasers, Ed is going to be an amazing recreation. Ein, of course, is going to be Ein.

They've gone really deeply into recreating the sets, such as the interior of the Bebop. You could practically overlay some of the shots, such as Spike lounging on the couch.

Set dressing is kinda wild, and may turn some people off. The spaceport on Ganymede at the finale of the first episode was a wild mixture of conventional aircraft and goofy-looking small spaceships.

Ron Wanttaja
Cool - I’m a big John Cho (Spike) fan. I’ll check this out.
It campy but fun. They're doing a good job with it.
Loving it so far... It's obvious that those making this version are fans. The anime-like directorial choices (slanted camera, extreme closeups on eyes or lips or feet... sometimes shot-for-shot) Love for a subject makes for good art!
I'm not a fan of the continual Viscous-and-his-wife subplot wound throughout, though... I just don't find it that compelling. I'd rather just hang out with the Bebop crew and their antics.

--only on Session 4 so far
Watching Episode 2…

Spike and Jet are investigating the bounty’s spaceship. I just saw the “blink and you’ll miss it” Easter egg homage to Silence of the Lambs.

Gave me a good laugh.

Im enjoying the series.
Peter Gunn
If I ever install BoomBox on my Tesla, I want that for my low speed noise in place of the stock pink noise.

I grew up playing the arcade game Spy Hunter and the Peter Gunn theme brings back happy memories
Session 4 Easter Egg: the menu 10 minutes into the episode, items #7 and #12.
Just saw where Netflix dumped the show after 3 episodes.
I lasted through one episode, lol. I get what it is, but it's just not my style. I would imagine it only has appeal to those who know the story from comic books, so it's tough to get the non-comic book crowd to buy in like some of the bigger franchise names in the Marvel/DC groups.
That trailer does not do anything to make me want to watch the show. But then again I am not into comic books.
Netflix management is suspect IMO. One thing I never rely on is professional critics. They almost universally suck.

Part of the reson I suspect is a 59% drop in views between episode 1 and 2...
I watched episode one. But, couldn't get into it.

I'm re-watching seasons 1,2 & 3 of The Expanse on Prime Video. I seemed to have missed so much of it trying to catch it on Comcast, that I had trouble following the later seasons. So,...
The Expanse
I had a hard time with Season 1, but it really picked up as the show went on. Turned out to be a great show, and unlike so many SciFi space dramas out there it doesn't venture too far from the realm of plausibility. The 2004 remake of BSG was great too.. Expanse feels a bit like that

They almost universally suck
This becomes very apparent when you see the difference in audience vs critic score on rotten tomatoes, for example.. critics didn't seem to care for it while the audience obviously did.. and that's despite the headwinds of (A) big task of live action anime (B) somewhat niche market

this is from rottentomatoes as of tonight for Cowboy BeBop