Jay Honeck
Touchdown! Greaser!
I promised myself I'd fly 10 hours a month after getting a plane. As it turns out, my annual average is only about 30 hours total.
So many things go into flying besides money.
Near or far? Your proximity to the airport is critical. More than 20 minutes away from your airport? You probably won't go for a "spur-of-the-moment" flight so easily.
Own or rent? If you own the danged thing, flying it is almost a duty (albeit a fun one!), while renting is just an expense. It's much easier to fly when you've already paid a huge part of the cost up front.
Gas guzzler or fuel sipper? When gas was high, flying our Ercoupe (4.5 gph) felt like cheating. We used to giggle like school girls when we topped it off after a flight. Now that gas is low(er), flying the Pathfinder (12 gph -- 25 gph at take-off power) doesn't hurt quite so much.
Fly alone or with others? If your spouse is a pilot, too, you'll fly a LOT more. If, like so many guys I know, you're forced to fly alone, there will always be pressure to do something else.
Flying is always a difficult (but incredibly rewarding) path to follow. I wish we could make it easier (or, at least, mark the path more clearly) -- but I'm afraid things are moving the other way right now.