Important Notes:
If you purchased LogTen Pro 6 in the last 60 days you can get a full refund which will cover several years of LogTen Pro X for iOS (LTPX for Mac is free).
(Note that since Apple does not disclose any customer information to us, nor provide any method for us to issue refunds, in order to receive a refund on the app, you will need to go through the App Store help. Log in to the App Store, go to Purchase History, and click Report a problem. This is sometimes easier through the iTunes Store - its a bit more straight forward. It is usually a quick process.
Perspective: what is your time worth? LogTen Pro saves the typical pilot 20+ hours in a year of flying compared to doing the same tasks by hand.
We're working as fast as we can to answer everyone's questions, please be patient, there's thousands of you, and only a few of us! We WILL get you an answer, current wait times are around 5 days. Lots of great resources to answer all your questions at