Continental to cancel delayed flights to avoid fines

The problem I see is that there are no experts who are not agenda driven. They either came from airlines and are stuck in that mode of thinking or came from the FAA side of the house and are stuck with that way of thinking. Getting everyone in a room to work things out just is not happening. Too many egos and agendas.
Then there's the question of where GA would fit into this. Of course we don't need a gate but we need departure and arrival slots. There is already flow control into a lot of major airports when they are busy and sometimes it even affects satellite airports. Many of the mountain airports use a reservation system during certain days of ski season. Sometimes they turn airplanes away because the ramp is full. I've even heard about that happening this season when the economy is down. Interesting to see what it will be like when the economy picks up again, which it will.
You mustve flown out of KEWR recently. :goofy:

I just did....out on the 28th (from Atlanta to Edinburgh) and back on the 6th of March.

I must say that Continental was pleasant and I enjoyed the experience as much as modern airline travel can be enjoyable. There was a 1 hour delay leaving EDI which gave their version of the TSA time to literally go through every passengers bags (and I mean THOROUGHLY...the guy was apologizing as he was holding up my underwear :yikes:) and feeling my feet.

However I must admit that I see flying today as a purely, 100% necessary EVIL in my travel plans and each, and every, pilot or airline employee needs to read and understand that. We, the traveling public, view airlines as the enemy....and since we are the ones that pay, you will lose in that battle.

Build more runways, build more terminal capacity, and force time slots that are realistic and maybe, just maybe, we can get back some semblance of decency in airline travel. Oh and YES I get that it will "cost more" but if that is what is to be, that is what is to be. Flying "for the masses" has created this crap pile of modern air travel we have today.
That's why I'm thinking turbine upgrade....:D
It used to be enough to just dream of owning one's own plane. Nowadays the dream is to not have to fly on the airlines.

Amen. Said about 1/2 hour before heading to SEA for another trip. Just SAN this time, thank goodness.
When I started using the plane for business in 1973, it was due to the infrequency and/or inconvenience of flights to the places I needed to go. If I did it now, it would be because the thought of going through all that crap with the airlines and the TSA is more than I can bear. Sad deal.

It used to be enough to just dream of owning one's own plane. Nowadays the dream is to not have to fly on the airlines.