Continental O470 EGT alarms setting


Filing Flight Plan
Sep 19, 2020
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I have a new-to-me 182P with a O-470R and recently overhauled engine. Previous owner installed Garmin G3x EIS engine monitor, which I am slowly learning. I was surprised to learn that previous owner mentioned cruise flight is about 13.2gph, which seemed a bit high to me as my previous 182 used 11-12gph. Turns out I know why - in his EIS he has the yellow alarm set for EGTs of 1450 - any higher and the panel throws the yellow master caution.

When I asked him about it he stated that is how he flies and he has not had to replace any cylinders, gas is cheap, etc.

My understanding on engine leaning is focus on keeping the CHTs <380, and really only look at EGTs if you are trying to get to max economy. For cruise flight I follow the original POH and lean until rough, then enrichen until smooth.

My question is two parts:

A) Should I follow the previous owner and set the mixture keeping EGTs under 1450? (I think not)
B) Should I move the 1450 yellow threshold up to something like 1550, and continue to fly as I previously did only focusing on CHTs and more or less ignoring EGTs.


Absolute EGT is pretty meaningless. I wouldn't have any alarm set on them at all. I specifically asked Continental if they have any EGT limit for normally aspirated engines, and they said no.