Hmmmmm wondering if doing my primary in some of the first Tomahawks out there is going to give me a leg up here?
Use the do wheelies down the runway with touch and gos'
It's the exact same thing, same as the Seminole as well, when making low speed pitch changes, you need to use enough force to comand it to do what you want.
The only difference I find in the T-Tail vs the low Tail with the same wing is that the time between the nose wheel coming off the ground and the wheels coming off the ground is shorter, and I need more muscle at low speed regardless of trim because I don't get the advantage of prop wash on the tail. I do not find there a difference between the T/O distance overall though.
They do require more muscling to fly off and on the runway well, that I will grant, but with correct use of trim (lots of people ignore T/O trim and just set for climb trim, then complain about having to muscle the nose up, well duh.) they are still quite manageable by anyone with normal general strength.