Commercial Helicopter Pilot with (Private Privileges) ASEL and Instrument wanting to Add-on Comm MEL


Filing Flight Plan
Jun 1, 2024
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Trying to clarify FAR 61.63 and FAR 61.129. I am looking to Add-on Commercial AMEL to my current Commercial Cert. and have been told that I have to meet 61.129 because I’m adding category. However, I already hold Category ASEL on my Commercial Cert. just with Private privileges. Do I need to meet the requirements of 61.129? From what I understand and read, there are no hour requirements, I just need training and to be able to pass a AMEL checkride at the commercial level. Am I correct? Thoughts??

I tried calling the local FSDO twice with no return call or response. So I thought I would ask here.
61.129 specifies the aeronautical experience required for a Commercial certificate, and (b) lists the specific requirements for an airplane multiengine rating.
61.129 Aeronautical experience.
(b) For an airplane multiengine rating. Except as provided in paragraph (i) of this section, a person who applies for a commercial pilot certificate with an airplane category and multiengine class rating must log at least 250 hours of flight time as a pilot that consists of at least:
The exception listed, paragraph (i), is for those who train under Part 142, and I know of no Part 142 Commercial training programs.

You are talking about adding an airplane multiengine class rating to your Commercial certificate. What exactly are you thinking doesn’t apply, and why?
I have a Commercial Pilots License. I have 2 categories Rotorcraft/Helicopter and Airplane Single Engine Land and Instrument (private privileges for ASEL).

I’m not applying for a Commercial License as I am already Commercially Rated.

All I’m doing is adding a Class Rating which does not require any specific hours. For example: if I am doing a Multi Add-on to a Private, 61.129 does not apply. Would this not be the same for adding the AMEL Class to my Commercial Pilots License?

Again, I’m willing to do whatever and not looking to avoid what’s required or needed. Just trying to get clarification and figure out how many hours I need to add CAMEL. I have been told I can just do a Comm Multi Add-on with no specific hour requirements and I have been told I need 30-40 hours Multi time.

I have almost 600 hrs TT w/ 200 ASEL and 400 Helicopter so I have almost all the required times regardless. Just trying to figure out the most effective and efficient way to finish it up.


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So train with the instructor who says there are no specific hour requirements.
Trying to clarify FAR 61.63 and FAR 61.129. I am looking to Add-on Commercial AMEL to my current Commercial Cert. and have been told that I have to meet 61.129 because I’m adding category. However, I already hold Category ASEL on my Commercial Cert. just with Private privileges. Do I need to meet the requirements of 61.129? From what I understand and read, there are no hour requirements, I just need training and to be able to pass a AMEL checkride at the commercial level. Am I correct? Thoughts??

I tried calling the local FSDO twice with no return call or response. So I thought I would ask here.

If I understand correctly, you hold a commercial pilot certificate with rotorcraft helicopter rating. You have private pilot privileges in airplanes with a single-engine land rating. You are therefore looking to add the airplane category (with multiengine land rating) to your commercial pilot certificate. This response is based on my interpretation of your current status.

Since you are adding an aircraft category, the aeronautical experience requirements stipulated in 14 CFR 61.129(b) apply to you. If I'm to understand your rationale as to why you believe this may not be the case, it's because you have "private pilot privileges" with ASEL rating on your commercial pilot certificate. This is simply how the FAA delineates privileges based on certificate. You don't hold separate private pilot and commercial pilot certificates; just separate privileges. You don't have an airplane category on your commercial pilot certificate since those are private pilot privileges.

You will not be qualified for the Commercial AMEL practical test if you do not meet the requirements of 14 CFR 61.129(b).

Hope this provides the desired clarity.
Yes, you need to meet 61.129. Notice that many of the requirements specify part of it must be in an Airplane, so for XC, you only need to do 10 hours in an Airplane and the other 40 hours can be what you already did in a Helicopter.

I did it the other way around, Commercial Airplane (both SE and ME) and added RH. I had to meet the aeronautical requirements of the Commercial RH.

BTW, the Instrument rating is no Certificate level specific. If you have Private ASEL and IA, when you add your Commercial Airplane (and Class) the IA still is valid.