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"Welcome aboard, ladies and gentlemen."

"Welcome aboard, everybody."

Not anything to make a fuss about. Geez.
I agree that it is no big deal, but so much better to just do it and not use a press release as a chest thumping excercise!

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It's like the new political correctness is not offending people who want to be old fashioned. Get over yourself.
More PC overkill, really pathetic, don't people have anything else to worry about, like the resurrection of Hillary?
Making an announcement about it is cheesy; as someone said, just do it and move on. The announcement is a "See how PC we are!" Canada is great, but sort of like Europe without the language barrier. Gum'mint and industry always social engineering - the blow back gets reactionaries stirred up. Results in election surprises, and not just in Europe.
More PC overkill, really pathetic, don't people have anything else to worry about, like the resurrection of Hillary?
No politics unless its conservative politics...
The move is to refer to the passengers as Yinz. “Yinz please be seated and fasten your seatbelts n’at”.
We need more Yinzers on POA. And that's apparent in the relatively lame GA scene in SW PA too.
I like ladies and gentlemen, it lends a little class to flying. Too bad we live in an idiotic pc society run by whiners that are neither ladies nor gentleman.

I think so too, and that's why it has no place in our ever coarsening society.