Late 1960's will have a premium price. 1966 model is B model and I think 67 or 69 are the C's. both are good models with duel brakes and electric flaps and electric landing gear plus 90 gallon fuel takes standard equipment, duel nav/com and autopilot I think was standard as well. I would expect a very nice but originally equipped model to be about $60's plus or minus if current AD's and annual and regularly, recently flown.
B model has the single tine landing forks, bit more speed than the pre1965 Comanches and the C model has tiger cowl and more speed yet.
The Comanche is an exceptionally well behaved HP complex aircraft. 155-160 knots on 14 gph ROP. I transitioned from a Cherokee with my having 500 and no complex time and my transition time was about .7 hrs check ride. Of course I took it easy for the first 25 landings to get used to the complex issues but it flies very similarly to a Cherokee but faster and bit more spiritedly. I am sure I could have transitioned with 200 hrs just as easily.
When you say equipped with everything you wanted? IFR GPS/WAAS, and good autopilot would make this an $80k airplane according to a local broker but 6000 AF is kinda high and 1500 hrs SMOH is considered run out that deducts so maybe still a $60k plus or minus offer is not unreasonable if in perfect condition. But then again if it has engine analyzers, gami injectors, fuel totalizators, 8-9 paint and 8-9 interior you might not get it for that.
Also what is important to me is when has it last flown, what were last years hours flown? Is it within annual? The longer it sat the more I would be a little concerned and what to have a safety margin for start up costs.
If it is near KS I am happy to take a look at it for you.
The better condition it is in the less likely you are going to steal it as there are plenty of International Comanche Society folks always on the look out to upgrade their lot in life.
you are better off if it is only in SO So condition as then others will walk by it and you can possibly pick it up cheaply without having major future maintenance.
Came across a Comanche 260 later 60s. AF approx6,000. TSMO about 1500 hrs. It would be quite a trek to see it. Has all avionics. Owners estate wants me to make an offer. Suggestions? Prices are all over the board. Plane has everything I want. Worried though about my inexperience at this point. Weve been looking at 235 and their ilk. Granted have to talk to my partners about this one....