Filing Flight Plan
ok..i admit i have not looked at all of the posts,im running out of time today...i wont ever beable to get my lic or cert as you call it due to other medical problems..(mostly a broken back)..but back in 1980 i wanted to try to get a pilots lic..i was told no imediatly without even being admited into a program...because im colorblind...as far as i know...it still holds..but i once read in a magazine that they (FAA) lifted the requirment to daylight VFR only for colorblind people...and that the LSA class can also be colorblind.....
any truth to these points?
also..with the new "flat panel" systems coming standard on so many AC now...will it change in the future?...
im colorblind to mostly red/green and blues/purples all look the same to me,but i can see the PAPI lights both in the real world ( going for rides with friends) and i can also see them and use them (PAPI's) in MS flight simulator X,and the flat panels are very easy for me to use and see...i do have some trouble with the steam gauges in older planes...
any truth to these points?
also..with the new "flat panel" systems coming standard on so many AC now...will it change in the future?...
im colorblind to mostly red/green and blues/purples all look the same to me,but i can see the PAPI lights both in the real world ( going for rides with friends) and i can also see them and use them (PAPI's) in MS flight simulator X,and the flat panels are very easy for me to use and see...i do have some trouble with the steam gauges in older planes...