Colorado Pilot's Association Poker Run


Tied Down
Nov 8, 2009
Denver, CO
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It was good to see Eric and no... Barry, Doug, and I didn't win, nor did I hit the spot landing at KLMO with the wind 12G20. LOL!


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Neither did I it was a fun day, even if the wind did kick up a little. 17 airplanes. Nice you could make it Nate.
After awhile, we were seriously considering awarding points for not porpoising or bouncing on the runway.
Thanks Eric.

Our original plan was myself, Doug, and his son. When the airplane took longer to come out of Annual than expected, we didn't have "momma"-approval for Doug's son and he was busy, so we subbed my airplane co-wallet (a term coined by an attorney friend who says "never say partner!" to keep the integrity of the LLC corporate veil) Barry into the airplane and that turned out great.

Barry loves to have a "mission" or reason to go flying. I'll go bounce around the pattern just because it's there, but he really gets a kick out of having a "reason" to go fly.

We were chatting about CPA on the flight home. He really likes all the activities and I think we're twisting his arm to go do some more. He joined last year.

I totally botched the landing at LMO. I'm amazed I didn't get more grief from Blanche about it. On glidepath, on speed, 20 flaps, and then the gust factor dropped out of it and I wasn't just slow on the power, I missed it altogether. Plop!

At least 50' short of the spot. Pitiful! I gotta go practice my spot landings with more weight in the airplane. I would have gotten away with it solo. With three guys in the airplane it was a guaranteed plop.

If it wasn't gusty, dragging it in with flaps 40 and a ton of power would have been great. But she'll fall like a brick in that configuration with a 5 knot wind change and I just hate abusing the gear like that.

But I'm out of practice. FAIL!!! ;) Airplane's been in the shop way too much this year. I hear pattern work calling...

Time to go throw heavy crap in the back of the plane and get my butt working harder. I could hear the CFI-in-my-head yelling at me. Haha.
After awhile, we were seriously considering awarding points for not porpoising or bouncing on the runway.

LOL! How many people actually earned the wildcard? Walt was being modest and said stuff like "I usually land long", but I know better. He's a good stick and stays in practice in his 210.

He was just being nice. Ha.

I swear if we were't playing "tail end Charlie" all day and weren't scrambling to keep up with the Gobii (ha!) I would have run around the pattern a few tines at FNL and gotten the speeds and sink rate nailed for our "heavy" load and THEN headed over to LMO!

I vote more spot landing contests! Gets me cranky at myself, which I then MUST fix my bad habits. ;)

It also still weirds me out that our bird with the Robby STOL and 20 flaps will float and float and float. I really need to slow down to 60 over the fence. I just can't get myself to do it because in the non-Robby 182s you'll set up a horrendous sink rate below 60.

Well I guess the good news is that I didn't bounce. We were definitely "done flying" when the bottom fell out. Any "bounce" was just the tires. Ha. I'm also a bit paranoid about slamming the nose gear on in the 182, of course. More power helps with that.
Good god. I just looked and the logbook says only 14.1 hours and 27 landings in the last six months.

Frakkin' MX. I have a lot of Spring/Summer catch-up to do on my flying goals.

Only 3.5 and 10 or so landings in the last 28 days, including today!!!

No wonder I'm rusty. Sheesh!

What's the WX look like tomorrow? I only got 1.2 in today with us swapping seats. ;)
Good god. I just looked and the logbook says only 14.1 hours and 27 landings in the last six months.

Frakkin' MX. I have a lot of Spring/Summer catch-up to do on my flying goals.

Only 3.5 and 10 or so landings in the last 28 days, including today!!!

No wonder I'm rusty. Sheesh!

What's the WX look like tomorrow? I only got 1.2 in today with us swapping seats. ;)

Buckley, Sunday:
1pm (19Z)- 5pm MDT (23Z)temporarily wind 340 at 25 knots gusting to 35 knots, thunderstorms in vicinity, 8,000 feet broken cumulonimbus.
Buckley, Sunday:
1pm (19Z)- 5pm MDT (23Z)temporarily wind 340 at 25 knots gusting to 35 knots, thunderstorms in vicinity, 8,000 feet broken cumulonimbus.

In other words, just about the same crap we've been having for weeks - except on the days I'm stuck in the office. :)
Does the CPA do more than one Poker run a year, or is this just an annual thing? I've been considering membership so I can join in on the fun!
This was the first we've done in a number of years. Check the website for the upcoming flyins and mountain flying course.
Buckley, Sunday:
1pm (19Z)- 5pm MDT (23Z)temporarily wind 340 at 25 knots gusting to 35 knots, thunderstorms in vicinity, 8,000 feet broken cumulonimbus.

Someone's on drugs over there. Their "current" 5 hour old TAF shows them going IFR in the next few minutes with rain and extremely low ceilings. Funny stuff.
RE: Buckley forecast...
Someone's on drugs over there. Their "current" 5 hour old TAF shows them going IFR in the next few minutes with rain and extremely low ceilings. Funny stuff.

yah, but I posted that last night at 7 pm. That was the forecast. I think today will be cleaning out the back bedroom & closets so the relatives (coming on on Thursday) won't have to live out of a suitcase (as I do when I visit them...)
RE: Buckley forecast...

yah, but I posted that last night at 7 pm. That was the forecast. I think today will be cleaning out the back bedroom & closets so the relatives (coming on on Thursday) won't have to live out of a suitcase (as I do when I visit them...)

Nah, I was going off of the TAF available this morning. Methinks the AF met guys are "trying too hard" over there right now. ;)
Nah, I was going off of the TAF available this morning. Methinks the AF met guys are "trying too hard" over there right now. ;)

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]KFTG [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]171901Z AUTO 29020G28KT 10SM CLR 22/M03 A2966 RMK AO2

At least it's down the runway. I may go out this evening and update night currency

Got 4 bags of linen and towels going to one of the local shelters. Should have gotten rid of this years ago, but was incredibly lazy or busy. Somehow, I really don't need to keep sheets that don't fit any of the mattresses.

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Yeah, everyone had the wind pegged, but the 300 OVC with rain for BKF was a bit silly. Wonder which brainiac meteorologist guessed that one! Ha.

I'm waiting to hear from a young man who's a Metro (ahem, Denver State University) student who's not shy about asking for airplane rides. If Richard feels like going up and getting our butts bounced around the pattern, I'm game.

But if he doesn't call, I'll wait until it calms down a bit. A sunset flight might be nice.