Tied Down
Very surprising to me how much of a difference it actually does make, it is only about a 12 percent increase in power but it feels like much more. Interestingly, different plane so the comparison is not one to one, but I didn't feel like I got the same boost from the 200 hp in the SR20 (but that's for a different thread!)
Nothing to add to the mountain flying discussion, it'a been well-covered.
But I'll explain why a 12% power loss makes such a big difference. We got into this in my multi training but it applies to any airplane.
Your performance for a climb is based upon not total horsepower but EXCESS horsepower available.
Put super simplistically: If it takes 80% of total available horsepower at sea level to maintain level flight, you have 20% left to "go up with".
If you lose 12% of that 20% needed for your sporty sea level climb rate, now you've only got 8% left to climb with.
You lost over half of your climb performance.
Now factor in that the wing isn't as efficient at altitude (Vy falls as you go up), the prop isn't as efficient (it's likely tweaked for best efficiency at cruise at a lower altitude and isn't a "climb prop" anyway), and all of that...
You're probably eating another 2% of your performance up, at least. So we're at 6% now.
All these effects pile on top of each other as you go up. Engine loses power, wing, prop, etc. Which is why that climb curve is a curve and not straight. Performance just tapers off as a curve that flattens all the way up to the highest altitude the airplane can climb to.
Bonus aero-nerd question: What's the actual definition of "service ceiling"? Can the airplane still climb at its "service ceiling"? If so, how much?

Now apply this to a high altitude hot middle of the day takeoff. The runway is around 6000 MSL but the Density Altitude is above 8000. Maybe even pushing or at 9000. Where are you at on that climb curve before you even push the throttle forward on the runway?
A critical item nobody specifically mentioned (unless I missed it) is this: Do your takeoff performance numbers and landing numbers when visiting high altitude airports! You want to know how long that takeoff roll is going to be and how much distance you need to clear that obstacle.
And the book assumes a new airplane, new engine, and a factory test pilot. Add a fudge factor. (In the twin, it's 200%. Twice the book. Not kidding. Why? Because even the most hamfisted pilot can probably make those numbers. (Missed the landing spot by 300'. Didn't rotate until five knots late. Didn't pitch to exactly Vx and hold it perfectly. Etc.)
Come on out. Water's fine. Flying is great. Just run those numbers and know how the airplane will perform. Our ground rolls are longer. Our ground speed is higher. The climb rate is shallower. And the landing distances are longer. But the airplanes fly just fine.
Mountains: Just realize if all you can squeak out is 500 ft/min up, there's downdrafts greater than 2000 ft/min down when the winds flow across rocks. Always have an "out", an escape plan.