I flew another Phenom 100 trip tonight to LOU and back and noticed that whenever GPS was selected as the nav source and also when GP was captured on an GPS (LPV) approach, both displayed in magneta text in the AFCS (auto flight control system) box while all of the other lateral and vertical modes show up green. This definitely makes sense since a magenta needle means GPS and green needle means nav radio on the G1000, but interestingly enough these modes show up in green on the AFCS status box on the Cirrus SR20 Perspective. It seems as though any GPS derived autoflight mode (GPS, VPTH, GP, etc) displays in magneta.
Was this included in a recent software upgrade or perhaps it is specific to the Garmin Prodigy system we have on the Phenom?
Here are some pictures to help explain.
Appearance in the Phenom G1000 (Prodigy):
Appearance in the Cirrus G1000:
Was this included in a recent software upgrade or perhaps it is specific to the Garmin Prodigy system we have on the Phenom?
Here are some pictures to help explain.
Appearance in the Phenom G1000 (Prodigy):
Appearance in the Cirrus G1000: