Coastline Sightseeing Flight out of KECP - Northwest Florida Beaches

Josey Wales

Filing Flight Plan
Aug 26, 2020
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Josey Wales
In a few weeks, I will be flying into KECP for a few days. One of my friends that will be there asked if I could take him on a flight along the coastline for some sightseeing. That is obviously very busy airspace, sandwiched in between Eglin AFB and Tyndall AFB, with a lot of restricted airspace, MOA's, and Class D. I am trying to determine if and how I would approach the flight.

My thought is to depart KECP and fly direct to the coastline, then follow the coastline northwest (staying below/outside of the restricted airspace) for about 20 miles, and turning around before hitting the Destin/Eglin delta. After that, following the coastline back to the southeast. If we want to keep going beyond Tyndall, I would circle the Tyndall delta to the north before continuing further along the coast. All with flight following.

I would appreciate any input that anyone who is familiar with the airspace could give.
Look up Eglin/Valparaiso Special Air Traffic Rule . Easy peasy flight. There is a VFR corridor from the beach out a few miles below 8,500msl. You have to be on VFR advisory service (flight following). Stay at a VFR altitude above 2500' and you will be above the banner tows/helo joy rides. Go past Destin inlet and back to Apalachicola. Land at AAF for a seafood lunch then back to ECP. It is somewhat busy but easier than the sectional would suggest. My XC solo, second flight after solo, was from IYA (Louisiana) to PNS. Second solo XC was from IYA to ECP in the VFR corridor. I felt pretty comfortable both times.
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DTS is a fun destination, right in the middle of everything. Grab an Uber for lunch. ECP tower will probably hand you off directly to Eglin APP to fly the E/W corridor if you ask for FF before departure. Likewise for DTS tower going back.
If you fly into DTS, know where landmark White Point is (roughly where mid-bay bridge starts on north side). It will likely come up in ATC instructions.

I have flown the coastal sightseeing from ECP. Just let tower know and ask for flight following. They’ll guide you. When I did it, they pointed out restricted airspace. Easy peasy if you have flight following.
I have flown the coast in that area,once your familiar with the vfr corridor it’s fine.
It’s FAR 93 Airspace. Basically flight following… however, the general rule is above 3000 or BELOW 500! Ha!

I always take B, below 500 and start counting sharks, turtles and dolphins, and watch Hercs takeoff right over me.

If ya wanna get all nutty, goto FAAST and do the part 93 airspace training video. Yep. That’s what the fed wanted me to say when she asked me about part 93 airspace. What she got instead, was akin to a dog watching TV. Neither amused or impressed. We finished the checkride on another day. I have now accomplished that training. It isn’t necessary… just obtain flight following and say something like “ya, I wanna fly along the beach and watch sharks, turtles and dolphins, over”.

Easy and fun flight. Keep going another 10 mins and stop at KJKA, we can get lunch at Lulu’s or something.
The Eglin East/West transition functions essentially like Class C airspace. The north / south corridor is functionally like Class B airspace. All explained in Part 93 and the training but that's the gist.

We did a run from Pensacola to KAAF and back a few months ago -
- it's great scenery the entire way and was easy with flight following. Same channel has a recent video with full ATC audio from KDTS vfr to Pensacola through the beach transition.