Club w/ no hourly fees

Who puts a beater old 172 in a hangar?:dunno:

Everyone in Nebraska since you can get a real nice steel hangar with a cement floor and an electric bifold door for about $80/mo.
Everyone in Nebraska since you can get a real nice steel hangar with a cement floor and an electric bifold door for about $80/mo.

Nice, and that still puts ownership costs in or below the $350 a month bracket.
I know of a 172 L that has one or two shares of a 4 person group available. Also based at KADS. And likely a way better deal in the long run than the group described in Post #1.
I know of a 172 L that has one or two shares of a 4 person group available. Also based at KADS. And likely a way better deal in the long run than the group described in Post #1.

Yup, that is probably one of the sweetest deals anyone is going to find around here.