Cloverdale CA Airport Open House and STOL Fly-in - May 7


Cleared for Takeoff
Jan 15, 2009
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Cloverdale Airport is located 80 miles north of San Francisco at the northern extent of the beautiful Alexander Valley. It's the kind of small town airport that still welcomes children and helps inspire future pilots. There are no fences here and everyone is friendly.

Once a year our sleepy little airport turns into a gathering of people and aircraft of all types and interests.

The event includes Young Eagle Flights that gives kids from 8 to 17 a chance to take their first flight in a small plane.

Shipway Aviation, located on the field, has their display of their Quicksilver Ultralight aircraft.

Quality Sport Planes, also located on the field, will be there to discuss anything and everything about Zenith Aircraft. Doug Dugger, the owner of QSP, has built every one of the Zenith Aircraft.

Doug is a true expert on the 701, 750, 850 STOL aircraft, the new utility 750 Cruzer and my personal favorite the CH 601 XL (which I am nearing completion on). Doug is halfway thru his build of his own Cruzer and it will be on display as well.

If you've ever thought about either homebuilding, LSA aircraft or a back country STOL aircraft, this is a great time to get up close and personal with these aircraft. All will be on display - and many more Zenith owners flock to this event every year. Doug loves talking about Zenith Aircraft and will be there to answer any questions.

In addition, there will be many other homebuilders here so it's a great time to learn about the process and ask questions.

Fair warning though - seeing how much fun homebuilding can be can instill a terrible urge to take the leap! Ask me how I know...

Cloverdale Airport is also home to NorCal Skydiving. Owner Jimmy Halliday loves to provide the only type of airplane flight that does not include a landing. I don't know what it is, but skydiving seems to attract the most fun group of people you could ever be around. If you've ever considered jumping out of an airplane this is a great time to talk to the experts about the experience - and book your first jump!

I have a hanger at Cloverdale Airport and am finishing up my Zenith Ch 601 XL (low wing, light sport) with a Lycoming O-235 engine. It will be on display and you can see all the internals of the build as nothing is currently covered up.

The Cloverdale Lions Club will be serving hot dogs and hamburgers, so stop by for lunch and check out some very cool aircraft!

Recently Cloverdale Airport has been under pressure from a local developer to shut down the airport. The more aircraft and pilots we have show up on May 7 will help send a message about how important the airport is to our small city. Please consider supporting our airport by flying or driving in to the Open House.

Look forward to seeing you!
Gary Welch
Cloverdale will also be hosting Corvair College #38 May 6-8. For those who don't know about these "colleges" more info can be found at If everything goes well, I'll be completing assembly and test running my 3,000cc 120HP Corvair for the first time. See you there.