Back to the OP: Not that it couldn't happen to anyone, but this incident points out something important about GPS nav while VFR: while it seems to allow you more precision in flying close to controlled or restricted airspaces, between the aforementioned radar errors and the fact that without an autopilot the GPS does not fly the plane for you, if you use GPS to cut it as close as you can, you're asking for trouble.
I know quite a few pilots who rely on the GPS for airspace info, and have lost much of their ability to skirt say, a Class B with only chart and pilotage... I guess that's becoming more commonplace, and most likely these incursions will become more common as well.
Very few flights are so time-critical as to require getting within 500 feet, vertically or horizontally, of a controlled or restricted zone... I've never found it a big bother to plot a course or altitude well clear of any airspace I don't want to enter. I've also found that often, the best visual waypoint on or near my course near the airspace line is a few miles outside said airspace. I'd rather lose a few minutes than have to guess where I am in relation to the airspace or risk slopping into it because I'm forgetting the GPS isn't flying .
I know quite a few pilots who rely on the GPS for airspace info, and have lost much of their ability to skirt say, a Class B with only chart and pilotage... I guess that's becoming more commonplace, and most likely these incursions will become more common as well.
Very few flights are so time-critical as to require getting within 500 feet, vertically or horizontally, of a controlled or restricted zone... I've never found it a big bother to plot a course or altitude well clear of any airspace I don't want to enter. I've also found that often, the best visual waypoint on or near my course near the airspace line is a few miles outside said airspace. I'd rather lose a few minutes than have to guess where I am in relation to the airspace or risk slopping into it because I'm forgetting the GPS isn't flying .