Cirrus SR22 prices going way up?


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Mar 10, 2014
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Have you guys noticed that Cirrus SR22 prices has gone up considerably?
Cant say that I have. Are you talking about used asking prices, used closing prices or new list price?
Cant say that I have. Are you talking about used asking prices, used closing prices or new list price?

Yes, used prices. I have been following prices for a few years now. I wish I had some stats to back it up.
Yes, used prices. I have been following prices for a few years now. I wish I had some stats to back it up.
The prices are following the price hikes from Cirrus on the G3, then FIKI then G5...
As a percentage off new, it was roughly the same for a plane five years ago for a five year old plane. Problem ia the base price of new planes in the past decade has climbed from 400k to 700k.


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The recent model years don't depreciate much.
Newly repacked 'chutes? That's almost like an overhauled engine.
Asking prices. Yes, there's variation within model years to reflect the closeness to the chute repack. For the 10 year old aircraft (chute required now ), the price reflects whether it has been done.

Owning a Cirrus has been a dream/one day proposition for me for awhile.
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Cheaper fuel and a descent economy. They will correct whenever the economy down turns.
But a fraction the price. A chute repack is what, $12k?
True, I was thinking a $15k impact on the type of planes I can afford, I can't think from a Cirrus perspective. :lol:
Yes, used prices. I have been following prices for a few years now. I wish I had some stats to back it up.

For the same year? Across all models or G3 and newer? I've been following the prices for late G1 (Avidyne glass) and G2 for a few months now and don't see any upward or downward trend, but my time span is pretty short.
If you go really cheap on a decent specimen, you could get an O-320 OH'd that cheap.

Indeed. Field OH to new limits with cylinders that still meet spec or O/H units, most 360 (parallel valve) and 320 variants can be done for that little. But if you get uppity and "firewall forward me Johnny" with the name brand, yeah not so much.
I track them really close. I bought a 2004 in 2015 that had 400 SMOH Avidyne R9 and A/C. I bought it for 235. Sold it for a profit and it just sold again for 250K
The demand for used Cirrii keeps the prices high. Flying club at my home drone just bought one.

This, yeah. 9 of 51 aircraft are Cirrus at my club. 28 are Cessna, and we know Cessna prices are also a bit silly. The Cirrus rent from $193 to $375 per hour...and they fly plenty.
The demand for used Cirrii keeps the prices high. Flying club at my home drone just bought one.

At this time, they can't make them fast enough to fill demand. The last time that happened, they expanded production to match demand and when the market collapsed for a while they had a large over-capacity and they had to walk away from some facility leases. Also, that bubble of early SR22s combined with the economic crisis is what created the myth that Cirrus depreciate rapidly. This time around, it looks like they have taken a different tack: Raise prices, keep production at the current level and watch people fight over your product.
At this time, they can't make them fast enough to fill demand. The last time that happened, they expanded production to match demand and when the market collapsed for a while they had a large over-capacity and they had to walk away from some facility leases. Also, that bubble of early SR22s combined with the economic crisis is what created the myth that Cirrus depreciate rapidly. This time around, it looks like they have taken a different tack: Raise prices, keep production at the current level and watch people fight over your product.
That seems to sum it up nicely.