Looking for guidance
Thanks for taking a look. Ten years ago (2008) I saw a psychiatrist due to parents getting divorced, lack of focus in school. Doc prescribed ADHD med, antidepressant, I then took for a few months before tapering off. Have since graduated high school, college, held many jobs without either ever being an issue ever again. I never considered myself to have received a diagnosis for either depression or ADHD, more that I was just sad about the divorce and thus couldn’t focus on school. Filled out FAA 1st class medical (first FAA medical I have ever filled out) and did not check “yes” on question 18 regarding mental health history. Any medical form that has asked me (job, new doc, etc.), I have answered no because I have never believed myself to have had a mental health diagnosis. Upon further research I see that because I was prescribed medication, a diagnosis would have been entered into an insurance database. Wanting to make this correct and not potentially cause problems for me later, I started reading many forums on POA and contacted Dr. Bruce. He gave me the advice to get records and go get a P&P. I am attempting to get my records, but the medical admin let me know today that they likely do not have them, as they are only required to keep for 5 years. Unfortunately, Dr. Bruce’s case load does not permit taking me on but I am thankful for his initial guidance. Does anyone here have any additional guidance for me? Do you second getting a P&P? Should I contact the FAA via letter? I have not even begun flight training so medical has not been used once since it was obtained this year. Training is set to start early next year. Thanks much.