Based largely on a Chief Counsel opinion that CFIs with no instrument rating may give the private pilot training in flight "solely by reference to instruments" and an analysis in the orphaned Part 61 FAQ, it has long been the general view that 61.109 training solely by reference to instruments cannot be used to meet 61.65 instrument training" requirements.
At the end of last month, the Chief Counsel put that one to rest.
Yes, if a "One-I" gives the 61.109 training, it does not count, but if it is given by a II
Here's the 2016 Rohfing opinion.
At the end of last month, the Chief Counsel put that one to rest.
Yes, if a "One-I" gives the 61.109 training, it does not count, but if it is given by a II
Therefore, the 3 hours of flight training on "the control and maneuvering of an airplane solely by reference to instruments" in § 61.109(a)(3) may be applied toward the 40 hours of actual or simulated instrument time under § 61.65( d)(2), but may not be applied toward the 15 hours of instrument training unless the flight instructor who provided the flight training under § 61.1 09( a )(3) held an instrument rating on his or her flight instructor cetiificate and otherwise meets the requirements of § 61.65.
Here's the 2016 Rohfing opinion.