I counted 45 casinos here in OK. They are only allowed within Indian tribal lands, but here in the former Indian Territory, that's nearly everywhere. Of course nobody is forcing you into the casino, but just like drugs, it's effects can be seen all around you whether you are a user or not. Are places like Las Vegas wholesome communities? It seems like wherever there are casinos, some combination of crooks, drugs, alcohol abuse, prostitution, theivery, and generally ugly things soon follow. No doubt these things are around nearly every community to some degree anyway, but casinos bring them close to home and make them more accessible to the weak minded among us, who might otherwise not get into that kind of stuff. Then the degenerates start messing with the regular folks. I have no problem with dropping a few bucks in the slots or a few hands of blackjack, but so many people start off like that, and before you know it they're blowing whole paychecks, and they might just come looking to take your paycheck too when they get desparate. Casinos will even cash welfare checks or put as credit right on your players card for you. Disgusting! There is a reason why Vegas is called sin city, and why whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. It has become socially acceptible and in fact quite trendy to go gambling and partake in vulgur activities. I think it's terrible. But that's just the opinion of this bible beatin, conservative, right wing nut job. :wink2:
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