Final Approach
I spent a week at Hanford doing some database work back in the 90s. Then I ended up at Rocky Flats.
I got a tour of Rocky Flats once because we were going to do some mapping of it and they wanted to show me which buildings to avoid if I was going to crash. Seriously.I spent a week at Hanford doing some database work back in the 90s. Then I ended up at Rocky Flats.
I have many friends in the south of France, Switzerland, Germany and Italy that are still worried about the radiation from Chernobyl that spilled onto their lands, got into their food and water supplies and who knows what else. The effects of this were far more than local.
That reminds me when I was 15, I chose to do a project or essay on nuclear power for science class. Went into great detail and did a pretty fair job, I was an A student.
Well turns out teach was a tree-hugger and hated nuclear!
Talk about a shock when I got that grade back!
I guess you probably know that one of MINSY's claim to fame was sinking a sub pierside.