Better go look at the ATP PTS:
49 FAA-S-8081-5F
IV. Inflight Maneuvers
Task A: Steep Turns References: 14 CFR part 61; FAA-H-8083-3; FSB Report; POH/AFM. Objective: To determine that the applicant: 1. In actual or simulated instrument conditions, exhibits knowledge of steep turns (if applicable to the airplane) and the factors associated with performance; and, if applicable, wing loading, angle of bank, stall speed, pitch, power requirements, and over-banking tendencies. 2. Selects an altitude recommended by the manufacturer, training syllabus, or other training directive, but in no case lower than 3,000 feet AGL. 3. Establishes the recommended entry airspeed. 4. Rolls into a coordinated turn of 180° or 360° with a bank of at least 45°. Maintains the bank angle within ±5° while in smooth, stabilized flight. 5. Applies smooth coordinated pitch, bank, and power to maintain the specified altitude within ±100 feet and the desired airspeed within ±10 knots. 6. Rolls out of the turn (at approximately the same rate as used to roll into the turn) within ±10° of the entry or specified heading, stabilizes the airplane in a straight-and-level attitude or, at the discretion of the examiner, reverses the direction of turn and repeats the maneuver in the opposite direction. 7. Avoids any indication of an approaching stall, abnormal flight attitude, or exceeding any structural or operating limitation during any part of the maneuver.