Touchdown! Greaser!
This is directly from the special emphasis area of the PTS:
"Applicant's Use of Checklists
Throughout the practical test, the applicant is evaluated on the use of
an appropriate checklist. Proper use is dependent on the specific TASK
being evaluated. The situation may be such that the use of the
checklist, while accomplishing elements of an Objective, would be
either unsafe or impractical, especially in a single-pilot operation. In this
case, a review of the checklist after the elements have been
accomplished, would be appropriate. Division of attention and proper
visual scanning should be considered when using a checklist."
Also, nearly every item includes one of the following: utilizes appropriate checklist, completes appropriate checklist, or accomplishes the appropriate checklist.
If the FAA feels that it is this important I think there may actually be something to it. Checklist usage in some format is the safest way to operate an aircraft. I would encourage you to review the PTS, no every flight isn't a checkride but these are the standards to which you should strive as a pilot. The link is provided below.
Mine were verbal. Worked just fine.