Lou: are you at liberty to divulge the family name? I lived there from 1947(from 3 years old) through high school and college; used to know every house and resident. However, after decades away(from residency), these days I don't recognize names on the mailboxes of those same houses, and there are roads and avenues showing up in real estate ads that never existed in the '50s and '60s. I have some dynamite aerials of Pleasant Point from Sept. 27; can't post them here(yet) because they're 25-35 MB each.
On your way BACK from Pleasant Point, this house(red farm house) stood since 1862(still standing), and is where I grew up. Several houses before passing the church. (April 2001 photos)
My cousin owns/operates Broad Cove Market(formerly A. S. Fales & Sons for 182 years).