Cheapest Health Insurance (CALIFORNIA)

Let's shoot for 2-ish, need to get the grass cut and run a few errands first. Figure 10 minutes with a Justice of the Peace and I can have you back at DCA by 3:30 or 4.

Wait you mean this is just a paperwork thing? Darn, I was looking forward to all the joys of marriage. Oh, wait, there are none.
Wait you mean this is just a paperwork thing? Darn, I was looking forward to all the joys of marriage. Oh, wait, there are none.

Sure there are. I have great health insurance through my loving spouse. Plus, he likes washing dishes. I don't get that, but hey, why try to stop that impulse.
Good point. In fact, at the court house, let's keep at least 10 feet between us at all times. I have a pole to help us measure. I might be contagious.

I get stoopid, I mean outrageous
Stay away from me if you're contagious

A woman that shows up with her own pole - so many responses to this, none of them polite.
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Geez, you guys, I was making a reference to that old saying:

I wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole.

Of course you had to go and think something else.
Geez, you guys, I was making a reference to that old saying:

I wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole.

Of course you had to go and think something else.

Wasn't it you that brought up staying away from a new spouse because of diseases you could pick up?
Wasn't it you that brought up staying away from a new spouse because of diseases you could pick up?

Oh I just said I'd make him sick. Not sure if it would be a disease or just an annoyance. Then I said I might be contagious. But I was joking!
Thanks, but unfortunately I'm 32. This is good information though.

Only somebody who is 32 would think that 32 is old. I'm not as old as Palmpilot, but I'm still old enough to have a son who is older than you (and single, I might add).

Best of luck in chosing an insurance option that works for you. $500/month is a bit high and I'm sure you'll be able to do better. We're not in California, so any suggestions I might have would be wrong. Oh, wait, that's what my wife says about many of my suggestions. Never mind. :D
Only somebody who is 32 would think that 32 is old. I'm not as old as Palmpilot, but I'm still old enough to have a son who is older than you (and single, I might add).

Best of luck in chosing an insurance option that works for you. $500/month is a bit high and I'm sure you'll be able to do better. We're not in California, so any suggestions I might have would be wrong. Oh, wait, that's what my wife says about many of my suggestions. Never mind. :D

When are you going to introduce us?
I guess if you're getting married you won't have time for your female friends. Does this mean our flight is off? :(