Changes to ADS-B coming soon

FAA is going to make a change that has the potential to affect ADSB Out portables. They are termed NPE (Non Performing Emitters). Late this year, the ground stations will generate a TISB for these systems (now they don't and are invisible to certified systems). They also intend to stop providing them with client services in January of 2016. So buyer beware.
This is a trial balloon from the FAA. It is now floating above the horizon, only to quickly sink down again as it is filled with leaden complaints from aircraft owners.
What investment? How many airliners are so equipped? I'd guess it's low single digit %. There won't be any "politcal fallout" except on GA web boards and magazines preaching to themselves.

I fully expect the requirements to change, the FAA won't leave something alone for years like this. I'm not paying one cent for it until after the final rule is in force and any restrictions are in place, so i can judge whether or not it's worth spending any money.


And anyone who thinks the motives behind this are about "safety" needs to go back to school and take a few history lessons.
I spent about 20 years of my career in the HMI software industry, starting in the infancy of the technology. If I learned only one thing from that experience it was the problems almost always dealt with by the early adopters. They never seemed to break the habit either. There are just some people who seem to have an inborn instinct that compels them to be the first one on the block with that X.0 version, being the guinea pigs.

I will start paying attention to this issue in about 2018, or maybe later.