CFI leaving for airlines b4 I'm done (january)-- where can I go to finish ?


Filing Flight Plan
Sep 27, 2022
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My CFI has been awesome ! But-- he's leaving for the major leagues in January.

I'll probably be 20+ hours in by that point, imagine i'll have solo'd by then, and surely done with my Sportys on-line ground school, maybe even done w/ the written test ?

I'm wondering if there is a school that can custom-tailor a "finish this up in a condensed format" kinda thing. Ideally in SW florida where my parents live (near RSW). Probably early January.

Ideas / resources ?
Are you flying an approved 141 program? (unlikely with just a single instructor and you’re doing a self-directed ground school). If not, people change instructors & move from flight school to flight school all the time. As long as your time is logged by your current CFI, then any instructor will fly with you, make an assessment of your skill, and then continue where your old instructor left off with adjustments (they might cancel your solo privileges until you’ve done a couple of hours at the local field and scoped out the local practice area, for instance).

Hell, I went down to Fl to do a BFR and rusty pilot brush-up, about 10 hours. I had three instructors for just that short stint. Nearly everyone instructor is airline bound these days. was for this reason I actively avoided the 20-something-working-on-my-hours-interviewing-for-airlines instructors and instead found the 50-something-or-older-I-do-this-because-I-lov-flying people was for this reason I actively avoided the 20-something-working-on-my-hours-interviewing-for-airlines instructors and instead found the 50-something-or-older-I-do-this-because-I-lov-flying people
I'm actually that instructor now. When I got my PPL back in the day my instructor was the 20-something guy on a career path. To his credit he stayed with me to the end (even had to change flights schools once) and was gone a week after my check ride.
I'm actually that instructor now. When I got my PPL back in the day my instructor was the 20-something guy on a career path. To his credit he stayed with me to the end (even had to change flights schools once) and was gone a week after my check ride.

That is how I went to my check ride with exactly 20 hours of dual in my logbook from two different instructors and 42.7 hours of solo time.
I couldn't get a hold of my 1st instructor, but once signed off for solo, I did a lot of solo time.

"50-something-or-older-I-do-this-because-I-lov-flying people"

I highly resemble that remark:)

But I have also been these instructors...
"30-something-or-older-I-do-this-because-I-lov-flying people"
"40-something-or-older-I-do-this-because-I-lov-flying people"

don't have an answer for you

but can say that my first CFI left me around the 20 hour mark. They had hired another CFI to replace him who took over my training immediately. Mostly didn't miss a beat. Just a flight or two to get familiar but even those flights were somewhat productive. I became friends with that second instructor and we still stay in touch....over 30 years later.