I've had the same problem to some extent - But only when landing the 182 from the right seat. I do fine from the right seat in the DA40.
There are two possible explanations:
1) With 400+ hours in the 182 and only 50+ in the DA40, I'm more used to landing from the left seat in the 182; and/or
2) The Cessna has a big square cowling.
I'm going to go with #2 (combined with a bit of #1) - I think when you get used to the relatively squared-off cowl you're used to a certain sight picture that gets messed up when you land from the right seat.
This reminds me of something similar that happened to me in trucks. I learned to drive in a Freightliner FLD-series truck with a big square hood, like this:
After driving those for over a year, I switched to a truck with a rounded & sloped hood, like this:
After the switch, I couldn't drive worth crap at first - That's when I realized that I had learned to hold my lane by "cheating" - keeping the centerline aligned with the corner of the hood. With the rounded hood, that didn't work any more and I had to develop more of a sense of where I was in relation to the lane. I think the same thing is at work in the Cessna, for both me and your husband.
So... I would suggest that if you want to do something with him, go up and fly with you in the left seat and him in the right - You do the first few landings while he watches to help develop the sight picture. Then let him try some. If he side-loads it, back to you (so he's not reinforcing bad habits). If he does it right, let him keep doing it.