cessna parking?

Whoa, or is it weee....
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Well, at least the tree absorbed some of the impact...
Not a bad technique: fly the bottom of one wing into the tree and let the canopy absorb the impact. Bet he meant to do that. :eek:
OK...we have all heard to fly into the top canopy of trees if that is your only engine out option and it will soften the blow.

Honesty though while good idea in theory it was complete and utter BS in reality.

I stand corrected.
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Hold my beer, and watch this...
Demonstrating that if you gotta crash, it's best to put it down in a parking lot right next to a big dumpster trailer.

That way, not only is disposal of the wreckage convenient, it's also easy for the Lyft driver to find his way to your location, for your ride home.
The news article states clearly that this was a landing, not a crash! I guess that's progress. Now for the airmanship part....:sigh:

A video released by the town Monday afternoon shows the plane flying low, hitting a tree and then landing in the parking lot.
Found the spot where he "landed". It is west of the airport and he would have been flying perpendicular to the runway when he hit the tree.

And what on earth is that Rutan thing on the ramp?
It landed, in the same way that if you dropped an object from your hand it then landed on the ground.

Yabut I am (we are) used to a successful engine out landing with no damage called a Crash. This is better!