Cessna 336


Touchdown! Greaser!
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Oct 22, 2008
mass fla
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ron keating
Looking for recent Cessna 336 pilots ,what are the good points of the 336.
Haven’t seen one for many years.

Sure it’s fixed gear 336 and not retract 337?
Would have to have a good reason to own this twin instead of a C182. Twice the number of cylinders to maintain with little to show for it. Mountains or water or night flying might change my mind, but I’ve never been a fan of the Cont IO360.
I always liked the Master of Skies. I don't know much about them other than what I've read on Google. Look cool, look very solid

I thought I read somewhere something about a guy who basically experienced spatial disorientation and fell out of the sky but survived
Found it!


The pilot of the unpressurized airplane was cleared to climb to 25,000 feet by air traffic control (ATC) and he was observed going through the assigned altitude and leveling at 27,700 feet. Then the aircraft was observed at 26,000 feet, and subsequent contact was lost. The pilot did not respond when ATC queried him about exceeding his assigned altitude. The aircraft sustained an inflight breakup during an uncontrolled descent, and came to rest in a tree.

okay so I remember the details of the accident slightly wrong, but still, one survivor after an in-flight breakup from 26,000 ft, that's nuts!!

For the right mission it could be a very cool plane
They didn’t make that many of them until they rolled out the 337
Wasn't there a STC to install the PT-6 in the nose and convert the rear engine compartment into a baggage compartment.

should be a great aircraft
P337 Recently annualed for sale at KSBX . Hearing it's under $40AMU's. Have to Call owner to see if he is serious . I was going to buy it to get the hanger space but He has other AC to go in that spot. Has 2 Rotor wings , couple other AC including a Cesna 150 his wife flies. Pipe line welder retiring.
I am not a 336 driver nor owner but I do recommend you talk to the crowd at the www.337skymaster.com forum. They gave me realistic advice on the real cost of ownership even for a fixed gear 33 series bird. If you aren’t an IA then expect your annuals to cost $4k a year if everything is up to par. Then expect the same costs if any other twin (double the fuel and maintenance costs, increased chance of engine failure, etc).

I’ve always loved that plane and wished I pulled the trigger when I was still single and had a ton of disposable income.