Cessna 172 drone!

I wonder if it will know how to clear the plugs when they're fouled? :)
Not likely that it will happen within the next 20 years. It surprises me that MS, who was not able to create a real good flight sim, thinks that this is worth investing in. There were others that tried, and still trying, and never got anywhere.
They should know better, but it's OK that someone was able to get some money from MS and learn something.
It's a lot like most of the Treasure hunters, Flying cars,... almost got it.
I've yet to see a manned light airplane with a reliable autopilot. They expect me to trust one without a pilot?
I've yet to see a manned light airplane with a reliable autopilot. They expect me to trust one without a pilot?
It’s for people not pilots, they won’t know the difference
Can't wait to see it scan for traffic, deal with gusty crosswinds, or communicate/negotiate with a busy pattern CTAF field.

(Should have made it a Cirrus so it can do a 10 mile straight in, traffic or no traffic)
I saw this plane on Tuesday her in the Valley. I Talked with one of the team members about flying a 172 experimental. EVERY control is automated, even brake system. Cool to look inside and see the tech.
How does it respond to atc ?
As of forum of GA PILOTS..why would any of us want autonomous GA aircraft???? Or anyone for that reason.