I find that rather amusing for a guy that does not possess an A&P nor an IA rating.
Under 14 CFR 43.3 you certainly don't qualify although you may have worked under the supervision of an A&P to do a 100 hour, but an IA
cannot delegate his duties performing an
Annual. For a non certified person, or an A&P without an Inspection Authorization to claim they have performed annual inspections is ludicrous at best.
You have once claimed you worked under a CRS (certified repair station), although there is no record of you ever holding a repairman certificate.
Even under a 14 CFR Part 145 Repair Station (145.157)
(a) A certificated repair station located inside the United States must ensure each person authorized to approve an article for return to service under the repair station certificate and operations specifications is certificated under part 65.
In short, I ain't buying it.
Sorry for interrupting the discussion.