Cessna 150H Purchase

Is it worth it?

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Despite my first post, I’ve held back with offering much advice on this. I think the intentions by the OP are great, but the lack of thought and research (from what I can tell) is concerning.

If you’re strained financially to the point where a loan is necessary to purchase a $15k aircraft, than you better stay away from ownership. Not to mention the fact that it doesn’t sound like he’s even began flight training yet.

Even though $15k sounds like a good price for a basic, entry level aircraft, it’s actually on the high side for this particular model. It’s going to need an OH at some point or another and it’s going to need ADS-B out to be in compliance with the mandate. Both are very costly!

Owning an aircraft isn’t the same as owning a vehicle and I don’t think our OP has greatly considered that. My suggesting would be to hang your hat and live the life of a rental pilot until you can sufficiently afford to own an aircraft and the various expenses that come along with it.
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My only reason for a no vote was the combo for the engine time and the other stuff.

For that price, for a 6/10 VFR 150, Id want under 1000SMOH
Despite my first post, I’ve held back with offering much advice on this. I think the intentions by the OP are great, but the lack of thought and research (from what I can tell) is concerning.

If you’re strained financially to the point where a loan is necessary to purchase a $15k aircraft, than you better stay away from ownership. Not to mention the fact that it doesn’t sound like he’s even began flight training yet.

Even though $15k sounds like a good price for a basic, entry level aircraft, it’s actually on the high side for this particular model. It’s going to need an OH at some point or another and it’s going to need ADS-B out to be in compliance with the mandate. Both are very costly!

Owning an aircraft isn’t the same as owning a vehicle and I don’t think our OP has greatly considered that. My suggesting would be to hang your hat and live the life of a rental pilot until you can sufficiently afford to own an aircraft and the various expenses that come along with it.

ADS-B out is most certainly NOT required for operation unless the aircraft will be operated in specific airspace. There will be plenty of airports to fly into and out of without equipping with ADS-B out. ;)
Maybe look around for a club, get your feet wet with an established group, an established club of the "joint ownership" variety? You can likely buy into a 172 or Cherokee club for a lot less than $15K, probably for less than $5K- I bought into a 172 club for $3K, for example, and pay dues less than $100 per month. G530, STEC, JPI, etc., good traveler (for a 172!). We charge ourselves less than $90 per hour tach, wet.

Just a thought, but that might be a good way to go. Also, IMHO, a 150/152, while they handle kinda nice, have wretched visibility and are cramped for two. . .