The best description of the Cessna 150 I have heard is "its the perfect start and finish airplane".
Its a great first plane because its well known, easy to fly, easy to insure and easy to fix, but as you fly it you will find yourself wishing for something cooler/faster/flashier/etc. Then you will sell it buy something cooler/faster/flashier/etc (traditionally a complex) only to find yourself wishing for something cooler/faster/flashier/etc again. So you upgrade to a twin, which you will fly until it gets trapped in a shop of an extended annual or repair, at which point you will realize all you wanted this whole time is to fly, and the 150 did that as well (or better) than anything you owned since, so you sell the twin, take the loss from the extended annual or repair and buy another 150.
I personally have never flown a 150E, but on paper it seems that the straight tail, rear window 150(D/E) has the best useful load of all of the models.
Personally I think 150s are (still) overpriced, for Cessna 150 money, I would be looking at SLSA and ELSA airworthiness certs. I don't plan to take a 150 into IMC, and if you give up that planning option, you can get an airworthiness cert that gives more maintenance options and flexibility (though insurance costs will be a little higher).