Century 41 Autopilot ???


Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Mar 2, 2005
Southeast Tennessee
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A plane we are considering has the Century 41 autopilot. While I'm familiar with the II/III varients, I don't know much about this system other than it is a fully coupled AP with autotrim and will fully couple an ILS approach. Questions:
  1. Decent system?
  2. Reliable?
  3. Low maint or MX hog?
  4. Expensive to maintain?
  5. Still supported?
  6. Anyone with flight experience with this system?
Bill Jennings said:
A plane we are considering has the Century 41 autopilot. While I'm familiar with the II/III varients, I don't know much about this system other than it is a fully coupled AP with autotrim and will fully couple an ILS approach. Questions:
  1. Decent system?
  2. Reliable?
  3. Low maint or MX hog?
  4. Expensive to maintain?
  5. Still supported?
  6. Anyone with flight experience with this system?

I've flown them a little and I think it's a pretty decent system. I've never owned one so I don't know the reliability or maintenance costs, but I'd expect them to be reasonable. AFaIK it's still being sold as new. The ones I flew came with a flight director/attitude indicator and IIRC those can be a bit pricey when it comes time for an overhaul, but that's true of any FD. In any case I believe it flew the plane (A36) well and it's certainly a step up from my Century III.
lancefisher said:
I've flown them a little and I think it's a pretty decent system. I've never owned one so I don't know the reliability or maintenance costs, but I'd expect them to be reasonable. AFaIK it's still being sold as new. The ones I flew came with a flight director/attitude indicator and IIRC those can be a bit pricey when it comes time for an overhaul, but that's true of any FD. In any case I believe it flew the plane (A36) well and it's certainly a step up from my Century III.

Thanks, Lance!