Cedar Key, FL


Pattern Altitude
Jul 16, 2009
Meridian, ID
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I've been reading up on Cedar Key on $100 Hamburger and Adventurepilot.com - anyone been there lately? I'll be stopping in there with the wife for lunch and a look around on Friday enroute to Tampa for the Buffett concert! :drink::drink::drink:

Any updates/advice on Cedar Key?
Used to be a great day trip when I lived in Sarasota.
True dat. I would say about half the time I could talk Tampa Approach into letting stay along the shore instead of having to go eat towards the Lakland VOR.

Crystal River is still a nice day trip too. Although my favorite Cuban sandwich place it out of business.
I haven't been in a couple of years, but I will say if you're going to eat, go to the seafood place upstairs where the locals go. I think it's called Barbara's. They only take cash, and the atmosphere is pure fish shack, but the food is outstanding. There's also an art cooperative on the main drag which had some pretty neat stuff and mostly local artists.

Judy's taxi (may not be Judy's anymore) is a cool experience in itself - she knows alot about the history of the place. Also, my son and I took a wildlife cruise from the pier. The captain was a retired state biologist and the trip was facinating.

If the wind is from the south, the crosswind disappears suddenly at about 20-30' AGL as you drop behind the trees. No big deal if you're ready for it.

If the wind is from the south, the crosswind disappears suddenly at about 20-30' AGL as you drop behind the trees. No big deal if you're ready for it.


True, it happened to me as a very newly certificated PP in a C-152. Had a nice Chinese approach set up (One Wing Lo) and boom, no crosswind, and the ground seemed to rush up at me.:smile:
Great time at Cedar Key, the runway wasn't as much of a problem as the birds! We parked and saw a bit of shade to put the Glasair in. Lookout - the people that live at the parking end of the runway water their grass in the hottest part of the day and watered my Glasair at the same time. :mad2: :mad3:

Other than that, everything at Cedar Key warrants a return trip. The runway is short, but easy to use. Be aware, we saw two people takeoff on RWY 5 with a tailwind (C-150 & C-172) :yikes:. Also, don't be afraid to take it around if you need to.

Thanks for the info guys, the wind did drop a bit at the treeline, but it wasn't too bad.
Wow! I had forgotten about this little hidden gem.
I'll never forget the great time I had visiting this Olde Florida treasure.
From the runway with water at both ends to Judy's Checkered Cab.
Cedar Key is what Key West was like 30 years ago.

Click on image for larger view


Judy's Checkered Cab (hailed by CTAF)
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Here's a recent pic (sorry it's not the best - iPhone's don't like taking pics around/through props...)


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