Carpal Tunnel a disqualifying disorder?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Castle Rock, CO
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Everything Offends Me
The topic says it all. I do NOT have it, but I was curious if it is considered to be a disqualifying disorder.
I doubt it? unless it's really really really bad. it seems like one of those things people have and just kind of put up with until it's intolerable. which would make it something self reporting. I'm certainly no expert so I'd be interested to hear otherwise.
Bruce will know for sure but I really doubt it. Of course if you have it actually diagnosed or treated surgically I would suspect the usual hoops to go through with medical disclosure.
Short answer is--No, not disqualifying. But everything is relative. If you have good sensation in the hand and a good grip, no real problem. If you can't hold a pencil, possible problem. If you had surgery, a letter from the surgeon, saying you had a carpal tunnel repair with good results and no complications, is helpful, but a normal neurologic and musculoskeletal exam with the AME saying everything looks good has worked for me.

Barb's right as long as you can manipulate the controls. But if it's anywhere near that bothersome, get it taken care of!
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