Caribbean Flying

Bavareza, please let us know how it goes with some trip reports or something.

Personally I'm slowly working my way down to SA - hope to visit a friend in St Martin de los Andes in Argentina sometime soon. Bahamas - done, Turks & Caicos - soon, BVIs - next... want to keep going. We'll see....
Hahahah Bots apparently found the thread. I'm afraid to click it. LOL

We used to cut across Honduras and Nicaragua en-route to Liberia Costa Rica coming from Florida. It was a commercial operation so it's possible private is different... But I doubt it. Cenamer would constantly offer a shortcut but it was our policy to decline seeing as though we did not want to stray from our route due to overfly permits.
Same thing if you fly the inner Cuban Adiz. Outer okay, inner need permit.

I'm sorry, our dispatch handled all permits so I'm not sure how to obtain them.

ETA: This was about two years ago was my last trip there.

which brings up the obvious...dispatch. There are a number of companies that do this type of route planning, visa gathering, permits, recommending airports, listing airports to avoid, confirming fuel, etc. Jeppesen is one, there are others that folks here have used.
I currently live on Margarita, Venezuela and spend about 10 months here and the rest of the time I'm in the states or traveling.


thanks for this extensive report

for the moment I had to delay the trip and fly instead to mexico, because I heard the zika is on the rise and my wife is pregnant, but I will definitely use this information within 1 year when I can fly there

also, my friend who is from venezuela told me that nowadays is the lowest point in venezuela politics and economy, so when improvement comes it will be much better as the corruption and crime are expected to recess.
