I haven't made THAT drastic a career change, but I did make an unexpected change that sure seemed drastic to me (and my friends and family) at the time. I was a patrol officer/Sgt/training officer for 18 years in the DFW area. It was basically all I knew how to do except for a short stint in the IT profession part time. In 2003 I moved to Austin and went to work as an investigator for a small, fairly unknown, state agency that was very different from what I had been doing. A totally new type of law enforcement for me. I Did it for several reasons, one I was getting fairly burned out at the city with no desire to move up the command ladder there; and two..for love (well, at least I
thought it was at the time
). I probably wouldn't have done it if my retirement didn't transfer with the job, and I'd wanted to move back to the Austin area for years anyway.
Turns out to be the best decision I ever made. Within two years I was offered a promotion to head the law enforcement side of the agency and I haven't been happier in as long as I can remember. Even with all the administrative headaches, dealing with the politics and dealing with the press, I'm glad I took the job. Now, if I could just get them to pay me enough to support a flying habit, I'd be set.