There other indicators of how you are running the engine.
Your spark plug are the best of the bunch. get your A&P to help you understand what they should look like.
Next you fly try this.
At cruise altitude level off pull the throttle/prop to your desired RPM & MAP then lean, watch the VSI. if it goes up, you are going toward the best power zone, trim level, then lean again, if the VSI goes up you are going toward the best power zone again, trim level, keep that routine up until you lean and the VSI goes down. enrichen until the VSI returns to level.
you are now making the best power that the engine can make at that throttle setting and altitude. Note that on your CHT, if the CHT is over the 400 richen the mixture, a little at a time until the CHT comes down.
This routine will place all your cylinders on the rich side of peak. Inspection after 5-10 hours on the plugs should tell you if you are too rich or too lean.