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Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 13, 2010
Denton, TX
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The original "I don't know it all" of aviation.
"Wow... that's one of the widest runway's I've ever landed on."



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Airline travel is the safest form of travel...

'mon back, 'mon back
"Why did the airplane cross the road...."
FAA promotional message: "This is what happens when you don't file a flight plan"
Police Chief Samuel Jackson explained that during the high speed chase with the suspect it was determined a normal roadblock would be insufficient, so they improvised to handle the situation.

However the suspect got away when he simply turned left on the intersection.
"..........we're also out of coffee."
"This is your captain SmashTime speaking......"
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"Dammit, I said cross RUNWAY two four, not ROUTE two four!"
"....cleared Direct to Burger King drive-thru."
Currently available to be parted out at Denton Auto Salvage.
"So go over this with me again - Becky is the blonde with the great DSL, while Stacey has the fantastic rack."

"No no no, you have it reversed. Stacey has the DSL, while Becky, our lead, has the huge tits. Awww f*** - did we just miss Echo?"
(in a lovely Google Maps Navigation voice) Turn left and continue for half a mile, your destination will be on the right.
"Honey! I said LEFT onto Sepulveda!! That was RIGHT - oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttt!!!!"
San Jose Tower: American 751 heavy, turn right at the end if able. If not able, take the Guadalupe exit off of Highway 101 back to the airport.
Which one of you didn't turn off all of your electronic devices?
On the long taxi to the runway, the flight attendant joked that we were driving to Buffalo. Damn if she wasn't right.
Well, SOMEONE didn't upgrade to Foreflight Pro to get Geo Referenced taxi diagrams now did they?
Boeing flight-testing the first ever pilot-less cockpit.


That's one way to avoid the VIP TFR.


We interrupt the programming to warn of a rare occurrence of wake turbulence in the intersection of State and Main.
"So go over this with me again - Becky is the blonde with the great DSL, while Stacey has the fantastic rack."

"No no no, you have it reversed. Stacey has the DSL, while Becky, our lead, has the huge tits. Awww f*** - did we just miss Echo?"
DSL!! :D

Thought I was the only one who used that... awesome!

Re calculating,re calculating.
American Airlines Flight 123 now arriving at gate 4, gate 3, gate 2, gate 1, Airport Boulevard...
Our metal landing calculator appears to have a a glitch.
" ... 10F wants a tall nonfat skinny mocha; 11A is a venti decaf Americano with a coffee cake; 11C really wants a Pumpkin spice latte, but I told her I don't think they sell them this time of year, so she'll take a caramel macchiato instead ... "
Drug seizure bonanza!!
"I told you I could, I believe you owe me a dollar"
Honest, I didn't know parallel parking was in the PTS.
"Why is the ITT so high on number 2?"
" ... 10F wants a tall nonfat skinny mocha; 11A is a venti decaf Americano with a coffee cake; 11C really wants a Pumpkin spice latte, but I told her I don't think they sell them this time of year, so she'll take a caramel macchiato instead ... "

:lol: :rofl: