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"My big brother said I could use his parking space till he got back ..."
From experience…

Can we please get a jet-bridge driver??
So there I was... x/c with a student in Myrtle Beach in a A-4, not a whole lot bigger than that. Start cart broke, towed us over to the civilian side and parked me at a jet bridge, pretty much just like that. Looked kinda funny. Turns out they were still equipped for very old 737s that needed external huffers.

The power would only stay on for 3 or 4 seconds, and would trip off... hmmm...

Change in plans, huffer on first for like 30 seconds to ensure max motoring, then hit the power (all hand signals), quick hit the igniters and get to idle and hope for a light before it tripped off... what could possibly go wrong?!!

Unfortunately for my story, worked great and off we went. Sorry. Had quite a crowd gathered looking through the glass while we did this. Was fun!
Well, if you’re not going to give me a pushback, at least bring out some tie-down ropes.