CAP and Colorado fires

Good stuff!

Not to hijack the thread or anything, but do you have any details on how to get involved in flying with the CAP? How to get started, what a typical CAP member's month looks like, positives/negatives to being in the CAP, etc. I've been interested for a long time, but I've never seemed to have time to spare, but that will be changing in a few months. :)
You may want to do a search at the top right on the site for "Civil Air Patrol" where you'll find multiple threads. It's been covered here before. Lots of strong opinions both good and bad.
Good stuff!

Not to hijack the thread or anything, but do you have any details on how to get involved in flying with the CAP? How to get started, what a typical CAP member's month looks like, positives/negatives to being in the CAP, etc. I've been interested for a long time, but I've never seemed to have time to spare, but that will be changing in a few months. :)

just contact the POC and show up for a meeting, there you can get the paperwork for joining - adult members are 60, 68 bucks or so for the year. attend a few meetings to find out if it's for you or not. I've missed the last several meetings due to work schedule. It's voluntary so any time you provide is appreciated.

chapter 3 of CAPR 60-1 covers requirements for piloting the a/c.

some squadrons are better than others for opportunities for funded flights. I wouldn't recommend joining just to get flight training - would take quite a while and often a hassle unless your squadron has several CFIs, few pilots, and more than one plane.
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Good stuff!

Not to hijack the thread or anything, but do you have any details on how to get involved in flying with the CAP? How to get started, what a typical CAP member's month looks like, positives/negatives to being in the CAP, etc. I've been interested for a long time, but I've never seemed to have time to spare, but that will be changing in a few months. :)

Here are a couple of threads that discuss positives and negatives.
Thanks for the links & suggestions! :)
I've been in CAP for over 10 years now. It's a good place to serve and is pretty flexible. Doing some of the duties takes more time than others but don't expect to get in a fly a whole bunch. As with most things budget cuts have affected just about everything from funded flying to training. It's a pretty good feeling when you read an article like the one posted above though.
I just joined CAP as a Cadet and talked to the head flight guy there and he said that the cadets get to fly every two months or so because the cadets are on a loop sort of thing where every weekend or other weekend a few of the cadets get to go up. :eek: (they only have one plane)

So CAP is good to get some flying in but Ill be doing most of my training across the flight line.

I mainly joined to get the Mitchells award but Ive only got 21 months to do it and the minimum time to complete it is 18 months so I need to get hoppin :wink2:
I've been in (and out, and back in) CAPsince 1991. Seen a lot of good and a lot of bad, but generally more good.

My specialty is Communications and it's the Hotel California of CAP. You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave. ;)
I've been in (and out, and back in) CAPsince 1991. Seen a lot of good and a lot of bad, but generally more good.

My specialty is Communications and it's the Hotel California of CAP. You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave. ;)
haha! I've felt the same way over the years in one job or another.