I went to three towered airports last night (thanks Eric). They did crazy things. I would NOT have been OK jumping in the deep end like that.
1. First (departing) airport gave code.
2. Second tower approved us to transition through their airspace, then told us to cross their runway (at or below 1500 which they had cleared us through due to nearby charlie restriction, this was a delta) then said no delay apparently we didn't cross fast enough.
3. Then we get handed off to San Jose International, so many talks no time for ATIS. We land and all is fine, takeoff they ask us to make a left turn when able then go BACK OVER THE RUNWAY. Pilot says "doing a 270" which he would have hoped they would have asked for. A big jet coming in or leaving. Gosh I would have sucked at all this.
4. Then next airport nothing odd though left pattern for 31 right made pilot ask if they were sure not 31 left. Finally most were closed after 9 or 10pm so my "comfort" increased as they all turned CTAF late last night and we flew from number 4 back to number one avoiding all charlie and going the long way with just 1200 and no more ATC.
Here is the CRAZY TAC / sectional for that area with my notes (notice split delta on number one because right and left patterns have different TPA's due to the salt marshes vs. the homes meaning noise abatement):