Can we quickly compare AOPA's Membership to EAA's

I like the AOPA staff lawyer. He's very pro business, writes great articles, and is very savvy about FAA legal matters. :thumbsup:
Very new to AOPA Membership. My Silly item, Wish they still had the old logo. It was very recognizable to gen population.
New branding is not always a good move IMHO.
That said, I certainly agree with all of your positive posts.
After working with and running a small non-profit and seeing how hard it is to get anything done, I am *far* less critical of organizations like AOPA when they don't accomplish their goals. I'm certain their lobbying has helped fight off ATC privatization, and there just aren't many people out there looking out for GA at all.

AOPA also puts out a lot of really good educational content on top of a high-quality magazine. For those benefits, the annual membership cost is a no-brainer for me.
After working with and running a small non-profit and seeing how hard it is to get anything done, I am *far* less critical of organizations like AOPA when they don't accomplish their goals. I'm certain their lobbying has helped fight off ATC privatization, and there just aren't many people out there looking out for GA at all.

AOPA also puts out a lot of really good educational content on top of a high-quality magazine. For those benefits, the annual membership cost is a no-brainer for me.

As an AOPA insurance and CFI renewal client, I feel that patronage ought to extend me membership at no additional cost. They don't agree, so I don't sign up.

As to EAA, I signed up one year so I could partake in Young Eagles. Did that a couple of times then quit, so didn't renew.

As to political clout, our demographic (piston GA) is little fish. In the world of legalized bribery and institutional corruption (Citizens United) we stand no chance. Turbine operators have their own club. I do feel flight training sector does cover us relatively well all things considered, so I don't find AOPA's political action all that essential in pushing our agenda. Piston flight training is a captive audience to pistons due to economics, and as long as they're making money with pistons, we're umbrella'd. The day part 141 gets decapitated by airline ab initio, yeah at that point we're screwed AOPA or no AOPA.
I was an AOPA member since the 1970's when the magazine started having articles about turbines and jets that was strike one, I could care sless I am not buying or ging to fly one, then the wine club, raising the membership fee, strike two and the the final strike was the Bruce/ Caitlyn Jenner article and AOPA trying to be politically correct, when there are so many other aviators out there, that would be so much more interesting to read about, who cares about a tranny that has Bonanza and can"t make up their mind which way to bat.

EAA, I have belonged for 30 years at least, I love the new magazine, I get a huge discount on Ford or Lincolns and do not have to argue with the dealer, and I get to camp at OSH, the only thing I dislike is you do not get window stickers for your car anymore on renewal, so many more benefits for us little guys driving old Cessna airplanes than AOPA.
EAA is great, the local chapters can be a real asset and the Show is awesome. Some of the stuff in the magazine I can leave, but I still think my membership is a value. AOPA, well, perhaps not as much. Even less of the magazine is of interest, there's never been an AOPA fly in sufficiently close to me to warrant a visit, and was turned off by some of their promotions. That said, as small a fish as we are it is still good idea to have a voice, however small. They had hand in Basic Med, and as flawed as it is it beats the alternative. I suspect they've had a hand at keeping the Executive branch for instituting user fees or privatizing the airspace system, probably less than they saw but more than I think. So I'll give them my membership for awhile longer. That, and they give mea hat every year, not that I need any more of those.
I was an AOPA member since the 1970's when the magazine started having articles about turbines and jets that was strike one, I could care sless I am not buying or ging to fly one, then the wine club, raising the membership fee, strike two and the the final strike was the Bruce/ Caitlyn Jenner article and AOPA trying to be politically correct, when there are so many other aviators out there, that would be so much more interesting to read about, who cares about a tranny that has Bonanza and can"t make up their mind which way to bat.

EAA, I have belonged for 30 years at least, I love the new magazine, I get a huge discount on Ford or Lincolns and do not have to argue with the dealer, and I get to camp at OSH, the only thing I dislike is you do not get window stickers for your car anymore on renewal, so many more benefits for us little guys driving old Cessna airplanes than AOPA.

To be fair, members could, and can, elect to receive the Turbine version or the regular issue. I too was po'd about Jenner and quit for a year or so, but back now.
Member of both EAA and AOPA but I'll probably drop AOPA next cycle. I used to care about the numbers being important for lobbying strength, but no more. Even if I place a higher value on the collective vs self, we are infinitely small potatoes. But I don't, and my own experience over the last three or four years has been negative with almost every transaction.

- They default "auto renew" to "ON" if you renew by credit card. Intentionally. Worse than AOL in the old days.
- Legal advise request was answered with a canned email carefully worded by Yodice to prevent offending the airport commission, or me - a big, useless benefit that I did not pay extra for just to watch some overpaid guy wear his ass out on a fence.
- Dues going up about 50 times faster than the rate of inflation.
- Magazine has taken a downturn in content and quality of materials used the last five years.
- Unresponsive staff. Difficult to get replies to emails or other methods of communications.
- Unwillingness to publish email addresses or phone numbers for the principles. Sorry, but AOPA is a small organization and there should be a way for me to contact an executive if there is no response when following the in-place communications chain.
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AOPA single-handedly killed ATC privatization twice in past eight months. Last year, they set up everything you need for BasicMed, benefitting almost every holder of a Class 3 Medical. Dues are something like $79 a year.

And some people huff that AOPA is “not worth it.” Not WORTH it!!!??? What is WRONG with you people???

What, exactly, are you doing with $79 a year that benefits GA more than AOPA does?
We have a difference of opinion and there is nothing wrong with me because I do. I and I alone can determine if AOPA has value to me. And as far as what I do with my $79/year, that's probably none of your business.

AOPA single-handedly killed ATC privatization twice in past eight months. Last year, they set up everything you need for BasicMed, benefitting almost every holder of a Class 3 Medical. Dues are something like $79 a year.

And some people huff that AOPA is “not worth it.” Not WORTH it!!!??? What is WRONG with you people???

What, exactly, are you doing with $79 a year that benefits GA more than AOPA does?
Hi FloridaPilot.

You didn't say why you weren't satisfied with your AOPA membership, but I am (as a pilot and AOPA member for many years) sorry to hear that. I am a member of AOPA and EAA like many here. I am really not a member because of the benefits, like magazines, hats and other similar things I can get for my membership dollar. I am a member because I believe airplane owners and pilots need to be represented in Washington if we want to keep flying our small airplanes, and AOPA lobbies on our behalf to help us keep doing that. I believe the airlines (not the airline pilots) would tax us out of flying if it weren't for AOPA's representation. It takes a lot of work and money for an organization to get in a position to be respected by members of congress and looked to by those members and their staffs for input on aviation issues. I believe AOPA has risen to that level. I like to fly and would like for my grandchildren to have the opportunity to fly also. If we, as pilots, don't have representation in Washington, then the Young Eagles rides we give as EAA members will not amount to much as the young kids we fly won't be able to afford to fly. Take a look at Europe if you don't agree with me. There but for AOPA, go we. I know a lot of the people here don't agree with my view, and that is their right and I respect that. As long as I can, though, I will remain a member of AOPA.

I currently am an AOPA member, but I hold my nose every time I renew.

AOPA once did a great job serving the piston aircraft owners, now the do a great job serving companies that operate business jets and the AOPA board / staff.
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I have been a member of both, am a member of only AOPA at the moment; a mere oversight on my part. I like the printed magazines. Anyone complaining about all of the crap that AOPA sends you in the mail should know that it pales in comparison to the unsolicited AARP stuff I get—even after I called them and told them to stop.
I had the same problem with AARP. Called, wrote, etc. I finally started taping their postage paid envelopes to boxes I'd fill with spam mail, theirs and others, and mailing them back to them. Inside the box, my note would simply say, "please remove me from your mailing list or expect bigger, heavier boxes." I think they quit after the third box, which was a big one, 30 pounds or so. Yea, I might have put a cinder block in it by accident. I haven't received anything from AARP in 6 years.

I have been a member of both, am a member of only AOPA at the moment; a mere oversight on my part. I like the printed magazines. Anyone complaining about all of the crap that AOPA sends you in the mail should know that it pales in comparison to the unsolicited AARP stuff I get—even after I called them and told them to stop.
AOPA single-handedly killed ATC privatization twice in past eight months. Last year, they set up everything you need for BasicMed, benefitting almost every holder of a Class 3 Medical. Dues are something like $79 a year.

And some people huff that AOPA is “not worth it.” Not WORTH it!!!??? What is WRONG with you people???

What, exactly, are you doing with $79 a year that benefits GA more than AOPA does?
No need to shout. :-) ✌️. I wouldn’t exactly say AOPA single-handedly killed privatization. They worked hand in hand with EAA and NBAA and others. It looked like good cooperation from the orginzations. I have been an AOPA member for nearly 20 years - but the group effort on privatization prompted me to join EAA this year as well. I intend to stay in both organizations as long as I am flying.
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No need to shout. ✌️. I wouldn’t exactly say AOPA single-handedly killed privatization. They worked hand in hand with EAA and NBAA and others. It looked like good cooperation from the orginzation

Aviation safety institute (ASI) is alone worth the membership fee, because their accident analysis videos (which are free to anyone) are excellent. They do a pretty good job with advocacy as well.

EAA is worth joining just for Airventure, even if you are not building an airplane.

I also subscribe to IFR Magazine as well as PilotWorkshops.

All of these fees are a drop in the bucket compared to general flying costs. If you are concerned about it, I would have to ask how you are able to afford flying.
EAA for me. Their hotel discounts beat everyone else, and it isn’t even close
Aviation safety institute (ASI) is alone worth the membership fee, because their accident analysis videos (which are free to anyone) are excellent. They do a pretty good job with advocacy as well.

EAA is worth joining just for Airventure, even if you are not building an airplane.

I also subscribe to IFR Magazine as well as PilotWorkshops.

All of these fees are a drop in the bucket compared to general flying costs. If you are concerned about it, I would have to ask how you are able to afford flying.

Except very little from you AOPA dues goes tho ASF. Donors fund 90% of the ASF budget. You may donate to ASF without being an AOPA member.
AOPA single-handedly killed ATC privatization twice in past eight months. Last year, they set up everything you need for BasicMed, benefitting almost every holder of a Class 3 Medical. Dues are something like $79 a year.

And some people huff that AOPA is “not worth it.” Not WORTH it!!!??? What is WRONG with you people???

What, exactly, are you doing with $79 a year that benefits GA more than AOPA does?

AOPA can not take credit for doing this all on their own. NBAA was HUGE with ATC privatization going down. BasicMed has EAA and others pushing that over the goal. And did we mention GAMA?

Look at the recent developments re: avionics. Where o where was AOPA?

AOPA has enough (millions) in reserves...they don't need my money.
AOPA single-handedly killed ATC privatization twice in past eight months. Last year, they set up everything you need for BasicMed, benefitting almost every holder of a Class 3 Medical. Dues are something like $79 a year.

And some people huff that AOPA is “not worth it.” Not WORTH it!!!??? What is WRONG with you people???

What, exactly, are you doing with $79 a year that benefits GA more than AOPA does?

Show one piece of non-AOPA produced evidence to support that. AOPA abandoned any true privatization fight for a crap basicmed.
AOPA was instrumental in getting BasicMed established. They were first out of the blocks with the required FAA approved medical quiz for same. Both AOPA and EAA are excellent GA advocacy groups. Neither is without warts, but I strongly support both. These groups work both sides of the aisle for good policy.
I got a letter in the mail to renew AOPA and I wasn't really satisfied with my membership. What memberships are you guys using and is it worth it?

So far I'm looking at EAA and I haven't become a member yet but what are your experiences?...Thank You.


Both EAA and AOPA.
I only use a few services from both; I do not get enough value from either.
However, I will continue to be a member of both because of how they help politically keep GA alive.

I was a member of AOPA however I felt like I got absolutely nothing out of it. EAA I'mnot a member of but if I would join one I would be supporting them. EAA seems much more in tune with the local GA vibe. heck, we were just up at a small EAA fly in at Oceano recently and it was a really great group of people

I wish they'd just let SMO die and get on with it.
are you based out here? It is actually a decently actuve aairport for small single engine piston. Have flown in there alone and with the club many times and there's usually a number of GA there. if you want to actually get into Los Angeles then you really can't beat that for distance. Hawthorne is much further away and Van Nuys, well you might as well just drive if you are based outside of LA

I'm not sure who this group of people are that hate it so much, when I'm there there's usually least a dozen or so people milling around the observation deck

But you are right, if the local town does hate it then it's only a matter of time...
Show one piece of non-AOPA produced evidence to support that. AOPA abandoned any true privatization fight for a crap basicmed.

Are you a member? Did you know Shuster had re-introduced privatization in the authorization bill after he'd pulled it out? Did you call and email your representative or another member of the Transportation Subcommittee?

They had access to information, sent it out to the membership, and the membership called members of Congress. Then ATC Privatization died again. It'll probably be back. And without AOPA (and others), you'll be paying $100 every time you click "File" on a flight plan.
We need a voice (or voices) in Washington, DC, and I gladly pay AOPA for performing that function. When there is a news story about aviation funding or the FAA appropriation there may be a quote from an AOPA spokesperson but very unlikely that the media would seek out an EAA spokesperson. Think of it from a reporter's viewpoint: "Aircraft Owners and Pilots" vs "Experimental Aircraft."

We need a voice (or voices) in Washington, DC, and I gladly pay AOPA for performing that function. When there is a news story about aviation funding or the FAA appropriation there may be a quote from an AOPA spokesperson but very unlikely that the media would seek out an EAA spokesperson. Think of it from a reporter's viewpoint: "Aircraft Owners and Pilots" vs "Experimental Aircraft."


Media is only part of the picture. Lobbyists, meeting with congress critters, and getting members to call congress critters.
That is what makes a difference. EAA and AOPA both spend a lot of effort doing both, so that is why I support them.
If NBAA had a descent membership level for us peons, I would support them too.
