I don't recommend alcohol and altitude just on the dehydration and hangover factor. I did serve a bottle of Champagne on mile highs and if someone wanted to bring cocktails on a flight, I had no problems.
Guinness and red wine are the worst offenders...I make it a habit to never serve anything on the Free Bird more opaque than distilled water. Airplane interiors are expensive!
I'm not old enough to remember smoking on commercial flights but it was quite common, right?
I think the Ron White incident was mentioned in that JC board thread. Even non wacky tobacco would be strange to me. I'm not old enough to remember smoking on commercial flights but it was quite common, right?
Years ago I worked for a computer shop and had to clean out the computer of a chain smoker because the smoke had made the fans stop turning. Disgusting. I can only imagine what the gyros would end up looking like if someone was smoking in the cabin of your typical four seat GA airplane.
My first airplane had ashtrays. I couldn't believe it. Can you imagine how smoky a little 150 would get with a couple guys puffing away?
The Cessna 120 didn't. So the first thing the CFI had me do at the start of my first "lesson" was taxi over to the FBO. He dashed inside and came out with a "bean bag" ashtray and set it on the glare shield.My first airplane had ashtrays. I couldn't believe it. Can you imagine how smoky a little 150 would get with a couple guys puffing away?